Weight Estimate

Below are weight estimates of various commodities that you can buy online which you can use to approximate your shipping cost. Use our Cost Calculator to compute the international shipping fee.

Bag 770g Nail polish 130g
Belts / Chains 200g Nail art products 130g
Bracelet 40g Necklace 60g
Capacitor / Resistor 30g Pants 330g
Cellphone case 80g Plush cloth art toys 410g
Cosplay / accessories 340g Purse 210g
Diode / LED 20g Ring 20g
Doll / accessories 110g Scarf 190g
Dress 380g Shirt 280g
Earring 20g Suits 530g
Football suit 350g Sunglass 180g
Hair accessories 30g T-Shirt 300g
Hat 130g Underwear 80g
IC integrated circuit 10g Watch 340g
Low Shoes 1100g Wig 80g